YOUR TIME OF POWER” is the annual voluntary social action initiative of HRE in the context of ESG, organized by the global community of VIP Coaches and Leaders. This community includes students, graduates, and faculty of the accredited Philosophical Coaching Diploma “Coaching Skills & Tools in Practice” by the ICF.

Our mission is to strengthen a different social group each time, promote the benefits of Coaching for positive change, and ensure sustainability. Specifically, we aim to socially impact a specific audience through research, voluntary coaching sessions, and specialized workshops.

As part of this project, students and graduates gain valuable coaching experience and network with potential clients. They also receive training in business development, including branding, positioning, and promotion.

Your Time of Power 2024.

Speak Up, Dream Big: Youth Empowerment

We wish to help young people aged 18 - 30 recognize themselves, their desires, and their potential, clarify their dreams, encourage them to talk about them, claim them, and take the first step towards them.
We are a group of 15 volunteer professional Coaches and Coach leaders, joining forces once again to support young people in getting active, finding their role in society, and planning their next steps. We implement relevant research and then offer two free coaching development sessions and a transformational workshop, during which they will gain more knowledge about Coaching, its benefits, and the challenges they face.

Your Time of Power 2023.

Support for Greeks living abroad

We continue our initiative for another year, aiming to connect Greek people abroad through coaching. We strive to bridge any distance, allowing people to feel close, share concerns and reflections, and empower those who try online coaching sessions.
We also plan to gather feedback through a targeted survey about people's experiences and challenges in pursuing their goals and dreams outside Greece. To better tailor our approach, we have developed a coaching model called I.TH.A.C.A. to help people integrate better into the new country they chose to live in.

Your Time of Power 2022.

Support for Greeks living abroad

We aim to connect Greek people abroad through coaching.
We strive to bridge any distance, allowing people to feel close, share concerns and reflections, and empower those who try online coaching sessions. We also plan to gather feedback through a targeted survey about people's experiences and challenges in pursuing their goals and dreams outside Greece. To better tailor our approach, we have developed a coaching model called I.TH.A.C.A. to help people integrate better into the new country they chose to live in.

Your Time of Power 2021.

Reinforcement of the educators in the Aegean Sea islands and Crete.

We aim to express our gratitude in practical ways, support educators individually, and recognize their significant and influential work.
In particular, we want to acknowledge the teachers in remote areas of Greece, such as Akritas Daskalos. As we commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Greek Revolution, against Othomans we believe that at that time, the education of young people was crucial for developing Greek education, preserving culture, national identity, and history, and keeping the spirit of liberation alive.
Today, just as then, education needs to be a central focus of national efforts.

Your Time of Power 2020.

To support doctors and nurses

Our goal was to assist in the revitalization of the Greek economy following the pandemic. We were driven by our moral responsibility as Greek citizens and professional coaches to contribute to our society.
Coaches often play a crucial role in addressing various crises, whether they are individual, group, national, or global.
As part of our efforts, we volunteered to provide empowerment coaching sessions to frontline business and healthcare professionals.
The sessions were attended by executives from both the public and private sectors, as well as entrepreneurs and freelancers.

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