Creativity is risk-taking
I suggest you embrace the risk of your creativity and let yourself be in its estrus. Leave yourself to her joy, to enjoy your hitherto untraveled path—the uncertainty, the disappointment, the surprise, every recognizable or not positive and negative emotion that springs up uninvited all along the way. It's a gift!
Writing and Coaching. My own experience.
Express, create, and let the artist in you emerge, mature, and make you stand out most beautifully, mutually beneficial for you, for others, and society.
The meaning of Philosophical Leadership
As leaders, we have a tremendous opportunity to create positive change in the world. By prioritizing philosophy, recognizing our power, and using it to benefit ourselves and others, we can build a brighter future for all. Let's embrace this responsibility and work together to make a meaningful impact.
Embrace Potentiality over Reality: Unveiling the Path to Fulfillment
Stop it and offer a credible and effective coaching education to your leaders, especially the chosen ONE. Additionally, hire a coach for yourself, a "confidant" who will listen, understand, and help you stand out and achieve your ultimate vision.
The Power of “I Don’t Know” in Coaching
The "I don't know" mindset has the power to lead to profound inner growth and self-discovery, transforming not only the way we relate to ourselves but also the way we interact with the world around us.
The exemplary leader is the Coach Leader
The ideal Leader is a Coach leader who not only guides their team to success but also enhances the skills and confidence of team members, creating a climate of collaboration and growth that leads to more outstanding performance and success.
Unveiling Coaching’s Origins
Socrates' legacy endures as an architect of the coaching discipline. His pioneering efforts set in motion a professional endeavour dedicated to guiding individuals on their journey towards realizing their full potential.
Are you still training your leaders? Stop it & Coach them!
Stop it and offer a credible and effective coaching education to your leaders, especially the chosen ONE. Additionally, hire a coach for yourself, a "confidant" who will listen, understand, and help you stand out and achieve your ultimate vision.
Η ανάγκη του ανθρώπου να ανήκει κάπου, είναι σημαντική για την ενσωμάτωση και έρχεται μέσα από τη σχέση των ανθρώπων, από την αποδοχή των άλλων ανθρώπων και την ενίσχυση αυτού του αισθήματος.
Active Listening
Η ενεργητική ακρόαση είναι μια δεξιότητα που προάγει την ανάπτυξη των ανθρώπων, την ουσιαστική επικοινωνία, τη συνεργασία, την επίλυση συγκρούσεων, την πρόοδο και την επαγγελματική επιτυχία.